A Haskell Solution to "First of Her Name" (ACM-ICPC World Finals 2019)

Today I’m going to discuss a solution which I implemented in Haskell to a problem in ACM-ICPC World Finals 2019, titled “First of Her Name”. The solution makes use of a sorting technique called “prefix doubling” as seen in suffix array algorithms, as well as radix sort.

Problem Description

The description of the problem can be found here (problem G). The problem descriptions in ACM-ICPC tend to start with some fancy stories rather than directly getting to the problems, so to save you some time, here’s a much simplified description:

You are given a list of (Char, Int) pairs, each of which representing a string. The Char component is the first letter in the string, and the Int component is the (1-based) index of the next letter. If the Int is zero, then it is the last letter.

For example,

[ ('A', 3)                      [ "ANOM"
, ('O', 5)                      , "OM"
, ('N', 2)                      , "NOM"
, ('O', 3)  -- represents -->   , "ONOM"
, ('M', 0)                      , "M"
, ('D', 1)                      , "DANOM"
, ('D', 8)                      , "DIONOM"
, ('I', 4)                      , "IONOM"
]                               ]

The input satisfies

  1. It is always valid. There’s no loop or invalid index or anything like that.
  2. There is exactly one single-letter string. In other words, there is exactly one (Char, Int) whose second component is 0. This also implies that all strings end with the same letter.
  3. All strings are unique.

You are then given a list of prefixes. For each prefix, print how many strings start with that prefix. For example, given ["ON", "D"], print [1, 2].

Naive Solution

A straightforward solution is to sort the input, then perform a binary search for each prefix query. What’s the time complexity? Let n denote the total number of strings. Sorting a list of n values takes O(n*logn) comparisons. In this particular case, each comparison takes O(n) time because the longest string can have as many as n letters. This makes the cost of this approach O(n2*logn). The problem description informs us that n is up to 106, so this approach can’t possibly be accepted.

Improved Solution Using the Suffix Array Doubling Idea

To improve the performance, a crucial observation is that the input is not an arbitrary list of strings. Rather, for each string in the input, all its suffixes are also there. The list of strings in the above example input is really composed of all (unique) suffixes of “DANOM” and “DIONOM” (they happen to be the reverse of “MONAD” and “MONOID” but whatever).

This gives us an out: we can use an idea to sort the input similar to that of suffix arrays, which sorts all suffixes of a string. The idea is this:

Because for each string in the list, all its suffixes are also in the list, when we sort the list on prefixes of a certain length (for instance, on the first two letters), we not only know the rank of each string wrt its first two letters (for instance, “DANOM” ranks second), but we also know the rank of each of its suffixes wrt the first two letters (for instance, “ANOM” ranks first, “NOM” ranks sixth, and so on). This information can help us efficiently sort the list of strings on the first four letters.

This idea is called “prefix doubling” in the suffix array algorithm. In the first pass we sort the list of strings on the first letter. Using this information, we can then make a second pass and sort the list of strings on the first two letters; then the first four letters, then the first eight, and so on. Each pass takes O(n*logn) (because comparison is now O(1)), and we need O(logn) passes, so the time complexity of sorting all strings in the input is reduced to O(n*log2n).

The code for this approach can be found in Simple.hs. The rankify function makes a sorting pass. It has the following type:

rankify :: forall a b. Ord a => Array (a, b) -> (Array (Int, b), Bool)

Each time rankify is called, the prefix length on which the strings are sorted is doubled. It keeps rankifying the strings until all ranks are unique (for example, if the first letters of the strings are all distinct, then only a single pass is needed), which must eventually happen because all strings in the input are unique.

The type parameter a is instantiated to Char the first time rankify is called, corresponding to sorting the strings on the first letter. Every other time rankify is called, a is instantiated to (Int, Int), where the first Int is the rank of the first half of the prefix to be sorted on, and the second Int is the rank of the second half.

Take “DANOM” as an example. In the first pass we sort on the first letter, i.e., ‘D’, and the rank of “DANOM” is 2. Because the ranks are not all distinct (“DANOM” and “DIONOM” have the same rank; so do “OM” and “ONOM”), we need another pass. In the second pass, since the rank of ‘D’ is 2 and the rank of ‘A’ is 1, the value of a would be (2, 1) for “DANOM”.

Further Improved Solution Using Radix Sort and Mutable Unboxed Vectors

In the above approach, in each pass we either sort on Char, or sort on (Int, Int). Since the input strings only consist of upper case English letters, we can replace Char by Int8. And since the length of the input is no more than 106, we can replace (Int, Int) by (Int32, Int32). In both cases, radix sort can be used to bring the complexity down to O(n) (radix sort does not do comparison, which is why O(n) is achievable).

A Haskell implementation of radix sort on mutable vectors is available in the vector-algorithms package. Mutable vectors are possible in Haskell thanks to the ST monad, which uses Rank-2 types to make sure the mutation of a vector is not observable or accessible outside the ST computation that creates the mutable vector. And since we are dealing with either Int8 or (Int32, Int32), we can use unboxed vectors to further improve the performance.

The code for this approach can be found in RadixSort.hs. The rankify function takes a regular, immutable vector xs, and unsafeThaw it into a mutable vector, xs'. unsafeThaw is unsafe in the sense that it simply makes the original vector xs mutable. So if you mutate it, and subsequently use xs, you will observe the mutation even though xs is supposedly immutable. But it is safe as long as you no longer use xs after mutating xs', which is the case here. Since sorting is now O(n), the total time complexity is further reduced to O(n*logn).

Final Thoughts

I’m not aware of any ACM-ICPC contest (regionals or finals) that allows Haskell. In fact I don’t think Haskell is suitable for this kind of programming contests, and I wouldn’t use it even if it is allowed. The purpose of these contests is not to write composable, maintainable and production quality software, but to solve individual problems as quickly as possible, using usually no more than 150 lines of code for each problem, and it is unlikely that anyone will ever look at or run the code once the contest is over. Haskell’s type system imposes a number of constraints that tend to make writing code somewhat harder in exchange for code that is safe and easy to reason about (for more on that, watch Runar Bjarnason’s talk Constraints Liberate, Liberties Constrain), but that is the exact opposite of what you want in a programming contest. Nevertheless, trying to solve these problems in Haskell is of great fun for Haskell enthusiasts.