I was recently updating a work project’s user guide, and added a page that involves Template Haskell (TH). A reviewer noted that TH can be challenging to grasp and suggested adding pointers to learning resources. I’ve always found the trickiest part of TH to be the stage errors, which often confuse even experienced Haskell developers. I couldn’t find an existing TH tutorial that covers stage errors with the level of detail I was hoping for, so I decided to fill that gap myself.
Understanding Space Leaks From StateT
There are two versions of StateT
in the transformers
package: lazy and strict. And each
version comes with two functions for updating
the state: the lazy modify
and the strict modify'
. As long as, one might contemplate, I
stick to the strict StateT
and the strict modify'
, it should be safe and I’d
need to worry no more about space leaks, right? Wrong.
Un-obscuring a few GHC type error messages
Generally speaking, GHC’s error messages are fairly helpful and intelligible (so long as you don’t go wild with type-level programming). But there are definitely a few common but relatively less clear ones. Some of the GHC type error messages that can potentially lead to bewilderment are discussed in this post. The GHC version I used is 8.10.2.
How Accursed and Unutterable is accursedUnutterablePerformIO?
Side effects break referential transparency. If you have a function f
which has a pure type but performs
side effects behind closed doors (e.g., f x = unsafePerformIO ...
), you’d have to be careful when refactoring the
code. You may want to, for instance, avoid changing f x + f x
into let y = f x in y + y
Eat Haskell String Types for Breakfast
This blog post summarizes, with bite-size bullet points, some knowledge on Haskell string types that I think is important to recognize when writing Haskell. The intended audience include inexperienced Haskell programmers, and experienced Haskell programmers who feel like refreshing their memory. The bullet list hopefully makes things reasonably easy to digest, and helps you eat Haskell string types for breakfast.
A Haskell Solution to "First of Her Name" (ACM-ICPC World Finals 2019)
Today I’m going to discuss a solution which I implemented in Haskell to a problem in ACM-ICPC World Finals 2019, titled “First of Her Name”. The solution makes use of a sorting technique called “prefix doubling” as seen in suffix array algorithms, as well as radix sort.
Building a Friendly and Safe EDSL with IxState and TypeLits
Haskell is a great, if not the best language for embedding DSLs in. Thanks to Haskell’s modern type system and elegant syntax, devising embedded domain-specific languages (EDSL) that are both low friction and type safe is often fairly achievable. Let’s take a simple EDSL as a running example, and evolve it in a series of steps to make it more user-friendly and safer. The main machineries involved are the indexed state monad (IxState) and some moderate type-level programming.
A Gentle Run-through of Continuation Passing Style and Its Use Cases
This is yet another CPS introduction post, with a focus on the use cases of CPS. This is where I find some other CPS articles to be insufficient in, for example, when I first read the CPS entry on Wikibooks, I got what CPS is but it wasn’t quite clear to me what the different ways are in which CPS can profitably be used in practice. Besides, CPS is a fairly obscure, convoluted and counter-intuitive thing, so I reckon another post that explains it is always beneficial.
Data.List.genericLength and Space Leaks
The codebase I regularly work with uses in many places integer types that are not Int
, including
, Natural
, Word32
, Word64
, etc. A number of functions in Data.List
however, only works with Int
, such as length
, and so there’s a lot of fromIntegral
s floating around,
which isn’t pretty. I was once tempted to get rid of all these fromIntegral
s by using genericLength
, and
a coworker reviewing the PR pointed out that the doc of genericLength
mentions the following:
Fixed Points and Non-Fixed Points of Haskell Functors
I’ve been playing with fixed points of Haskell functors lately and thought it would be useful to write down some of my thoughts, both to solidify my understanding and for future reference. If it happens to be helpful for someone else, then all the better. I guess I’ll start with Haskell’s category.